Mar 30, 2013

Kiss The Radio [130328]

Kiss The Radio (Sukira) when airing on March 28, 2013..

Sukira DJs

성민 said his voice still sounds a bit husky & he’s still coughing.

려욱 woke up late today. 성민 walked in Gangnam

려욱 stayed up late last night watching “That winter, wind blows” drama episodes xD

려욱 said since (seoul) concert is finished, they have some time to relax now. 성민 said he doesnt (because of musical)

DJs thanked fans for 2700 days (since debut) 민 just mouthed ‘my throat hurts really bad’ ㅠㅜ

Mar 29, 2013

Kiss The Radio [130327]

Kiss The Radio (Sukira) when airing on March 27, 2013...

욱 DJ changing expressions

성민 has a cold ><

 DJ changing expressions as he read the messages xD

Many hoobaes came to SS5. Sandeul-ssi came.. B1A4, Ukiss, Cereal, SNSD, Exo… all of them… seeing things like this, .. I don’t know about SNSD.. they feel around our age but.. F(x) and Exo… we think ‘we had days when we were young like them too’
팬 : I want to go look at flowers with someone~
성민 : No you don’t. All the pollen flying in the air.. you don’t want to go //Lol
려욱 : I want to go look at flowers~ S
성민 : I don’t ㅋㅋ don’t come to YuEedo to look at flowers, you’ll make traffic ㅋㅋ

Ho script writer had to cough but the DJs kept dragging out the conversation ㅋㅋ meanies ㅋㅋ

려욱 said 성민’s voice sounds like alien voice now ㅋㅋ

Mar 28, 2013

Kiss The Radio [130326]

Sukira (KTR) which airing on March 26, 2013..

성민 : When did you feel that you have achieved something?
려욱 : This time… when we did Super Show.
려욱 :We are starting world tour soon.. I felt that we will do very well.
성민 : We’re going to SA next. We will go and do well!
려욱 : Because we have many members and birthdays, we have decided not to take care      of gifting each other on birthdays… But one time, I saw 동해-ssi giving 은혁-ssi an expensive watch for his birthday and I felt really betrayed
성민 : 이동해, you can’t do this!
려욱 : I knew they were close friends but .. I thought ‘what about me?’
성민 : Right! … but I did this too
려욱 : To 은혁-ssi?
성민 : Yes on his birthday..
려욱 : Does he look poor? like his face makes you want to take care of him? I also took care of him often..
성민 : Me too .. ㅋㅋ
성민 said 려욱's laughter recently changed to “fwahahahaha” and that it sounds stupid ㅋㅋ 려욱 said he changed from “Uwahaha” (high) to “Fwahaha” (lower tone) because his throat hurt if he laughed too much in high tone ㅋㅋ

Mar 27, 2013

Kiss The Radio [130325]

Kiss The Radio (Sukira) when airing on March 25, 2013..

려욱 : 성민-ssi, has anyone destroyed your things before?
성민 : not mine… but when we talk about things like this, man with the hand of minus…
려욱 : 동해-ssi
성민 : he breaks everything he touches
려욱 : One time.. he slammed his fist in his bed… I made fun of him, saying ‘hyung, are your hands the hands of minus?’ He broke my computer before so I kept scolding him about it. He got angry from being scolded so much, but couldn’t punch me so instead, he punched his bed and it broke and his fist sunk in the mattress. I thought he was very strong ㅋㅋ but seriously, he broke so manythings
성민 : he broke 규현-ssi’s mouse before too
려욱 : His hands.. must be cursed or something
려욱 : hyungs watch dongsaengs mood…I am maknae in Super Junior so I didn’t know but…They just suddenly started watching my mood…
성민 : Suddenly? Really, 려욱-ssi is unpredictable
려욱 : kkk I am a bit weird.
성민 : If 려욱-ssi were to cry in the dorm, all hyungs would come to him, asking “what’s wrong..”
려욱 : kkk tears really.. I make fun of hyungs a lot.. after I make them mad, if I (pretend to ) cry, they won’t do anything to me.
Guests : OHHHH
려욱 : It’s like there is a different 려욱 in me that comes out when you turn the switch on. I have multiple ‘me’s in me. I turn on the switch and I change ㅋㅋ

Mar 24, 2013

[Happy Birthday] 27th Imoku

Have you listen it? voice from korean child that sing a song to you. 
Congratulated to your birthday today..
Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to youIn the earth, in the universe I love you most.More beauty than flower, brighter than starsMore courage than lion, happy birthday to youHappy birthday to you Happy birthday to youMy friend who is similar as FlowerPlease keep your life thick and deep.
This is my second greeting for your birthday on this blog. I'm sorry I can't prepare a good gift for you. same as last year I can't give anything to you, I can't offer anything you like on your birthday.
this time I would like to quote the words that come from ost School about togetherness. I want to express what I feel for you so far through the lyrics of this song. I hope you like it.
Rise up, you dreamer, stand strong forever
When life tosses you around and keeps you down
Imagine, you dreamer, how much I love you
I will help you un times of need, when the darkness makes you cry
As you trust me and as you love me,
Every dream will be come true!
We look up as one together
We all fly up high together
to see beyond
move forward to one future
Dream whatever you wanna dream
Go whereever you wanna go
’cause you and I
Trust and love forever more
Call me for your help, I’ll stand beside you
I still just believe in you, I see sunrise in your eyes
As you trust me and as you love me,
You know that we can make it true
I am thankful that I found you
You’re the one who can hold my hand and go forth
I know that you won’t give up.
I’m giving you all of my heart.
I’m giving you my love.

I'm sorry, I'm really really sorry. almost forgot your birthday this year. I don't know the thoughts that forgetting your birthday when my heart is think of you at the same time. a peculiar phenomenon isn't it?! don't remember your birthday but remember you throughout the day. I just make it after I made it when I got home after I hang out with my friend. I remembered when I see your response to birthday greeting that given to you on tweet. Forgive me, being someone who didn't concern on your birthday this time. Mianhaeyo, imoku.. T___T

And like last year, I will summarize the special moments that happened between us.
Let's reminisce ..

First.. #SS4INA
Ingat kebahagiaan yang kita rasakan saat tahu Indonesia masuk list SS4?! Ya Allah, saat itu gak terukur bagaimana perasaan yang terjadi di dalam hati ini. Banyak yang telah direncanakan saat pengumuman, mulai dari pembelian tiket, pergi ke venue dan kesenangan lain yang bakal didapat saat menikmati bersama acara akbar itu. Tapi ternyata semua hanya rencana di saat kita kehabisan tiket Junior Sky dan Super Sky, yang akhirnya imoku menetapkan membeli tiket Festival dan Vee memutuskan dengan berat hati mengurungkan niat untuk menikmati SS4 bersama. Perasaan gak jelas banget lah waktu itu, antara kecewa dan juga pasrah menerima apa yang terjadi. Masalah pertiketan yang tak disiapkan dengan matang soal peruangan, terlupakan. Sampailah pada hari H dimana imoku memilih untuk menyaksikan di hari terakhir, 29 April 2012. Vee yang gak ikutan excited sendiri di rumah dengan apa yang imoku lakukan di saat-saat menunggu memasuki venue. Banyak yang kita perbincangkan saat itu via sms, bahkan soal payung pemberian eomma yang juga menemani imoku mengantri terangkat, sampai acara dimulai masih ada juga yang kita bicarakan. Sampailah pada saat nama imoku muncul di layar hape, Vee bener-bener gak tau klo imoku niatnya nelpon saat itu, Vee pikir imoku kepencet karena asyik mantengin mereka di stage. Gak taunya, pas diangkat dan terdengarlah suara Hyun lagi perform solonya, oh mai, seketika menetes air mata tanpa sadar, seneng dan terharu rasanya. Walau hanya bisa mendengarkan suaranya via telpon, tapi Vee bisa merasakan bedanya mendengarkan suaranya Hyun dari via video, gak terbayang klo Vee bisa melihat langsung Hyun, apa yang bakal Vee lakuin yah?? Terima kasih yang tak terhingga untuk imoku yang demikian baiknya ke Vee saat itu. Karena imoku, walaupun Vee gak ada di sana tapi bisa merasakan atmosfer yang sama dengan ELF yang lainnya yang ada di Meis. Jeongmal gomawoyo imoku.. You're the best imoku.. ^^
Second.. #NaeCoolNamja
25 Agustus 2013, di saat galau setelah pengakuan. Orang pertama yang Vee hubungi adalah imoku, menceritakan semuanya tanpa celah. Dan bukannya menghilangkan jejak-jejaknya, kata-kata yang imoku lontarkan tentang "kelebihan"nya pun makin membuat dirinya merasuk di dalam dada. Entah harus senang apa sedih ini dah.. Dia yang Vee sayangi sekian lama, ternyata "memang pantas" untuk Vee sayangi. Setiap ada yang berhubungan dengan dia, otomatis Vee selalu hubungi imoku, sama seperti saat Vee penasaran dengan apa yang disembunyikan dan imoku kembali memberikan nasehat yang menjadi penguatan diri Vee dalam berinteraksi dengannya. "Loving our beloved person is also keeping him comfortable, if asking a personal matter will disturbing so u should not do that. If someone keep a secret there must be a deep reason for that. All u have to do is act like nothing happen. And respect his personal matter." dan alhamdulillah sampai sekarang semua berjalan lancar, di luar kegalauan yang terkadang menerpa secara gak jelas. kekeke 
Third.. #YourWeddingPlan
Akhir tahun kemarin, terbersit bahasan tentang hubungan imoku di saat ngebahas tentang MuBank Jakarta. Imoku yang lebih memilih menabung untuk masa depan dibanding dengan menikmati MuBank, yang bahkan ada tambahan Infinite selain ada SJ dan Shinee. Masih teringat planning yang diutarakan untuk "pesta melepas masa lajang"nya imoku saat itu, yang mau nginep lah, norae lah, semuanya dilakukan dengan antusias yang teramat sangat. Dan Vee gak tau perkembangan lanjutan sampai pada tanggal 30 Januari 2013, melihat status maritalnya imoku di Fb. Sungguh terkejut tiada tara melihatnya. Imoku yang gak ada ngasi kabar dan tiba-tiba ada perubahan status yang demikian mengagetkan. Saking antusiasnya pengen tahu kebenaran yang terjadi, sms yang terjadi pun menggebu-gebu rasanya dan dapetlah itu piku tangannya imoku make cincin tanda resmi tunangan. oh mai, seneng yang dirasakan pengen sekali meloncat dan langsung tiba di samping imoku buat peluk dan cium bertubi-tubi. Congratulation imoku. Semoga Vee bisa menghadiri pernikahan imoku nantinya yah, pengen mendampingi imoku melepas masa lajang, serius. Dan doain chokamu ini juga segera menemukan jodohnya ya.. xixixi Once again, congratulation imoku tersayang.. ^^
 Fourth.. #MuBankJKT
9 Maret 2013.. Moment yang satu ini hampir sama kayak yang dirasain waktu SS4 kemaren. Live report imoku lebih berasa dinikmatinnya ketimbang yang ada di timeline tweet, walau Vee taunya imoku liatin MuBanknya telat (pake banget) tapi gak ngurangin kesenangan yang Vee rasain walau gak ikutan nonton (lagi) hihihi.. Kayaknya imoku jadi reporter special buat Vee dah untuk merasakan atmosfer konser yang gak Vee ikutin. Imoku tiada duanya.. ;p
Walau gak kayak tahun kemaren yang ada kesempatan bertemu dan bikin moment bersama secara nyata, tahun ini cukup banyak moment yang terjadi diantara kita yang bikin Vee makin sayang dan cintaaaaaaaaaaaa ama imoku. Dan sekali lagi Vee ucapin..
You are best of the best imoku..
Beneran gak pernah nyesel bisa kenal ama imoku..
Imoku tiada duanya..

Oya, soal t-shirt kita yang kembaran itu ntar kita gantinya pake kembaran t-shirt SS5 yukz atau hoodienya SS5 deh. Vee gak bisa gantinya klo kembaran baju buat nikah loh ya, soalnya belum ada pasangan nikahnya sih.. wakakakak

Udah ngoceh panjang lebar tinggi, terakhir mau doa buat imoku dulu lah sebelum di tutup yak..
(Hmm.. Doanya masih sama ;p)

Setulus hati Vee doakan agar imoku..
Diberikan kesehatan yang terbaik dari Allah..
Kebahagiaan selalu senantiasa mengisi hari-hari..
Dilancarkan urusannya menyiapkan pernikahan bersama jodoh dunia akhiratnya
agar bisa mengarungi bahtera kehidupan lebih jauh dan lebih indah lagi..
Disegerakan nantinya mendapatkan baby-baby yang lucu agar
menambahkan kebahagiaan bagi keluarga besar..
Dilimpahkan rezekinya oleh Allah..
Semua kebaikan bagi imoku disegerakan diberikan oleh Allah..

Setulus Hati Vee ucapkan terima kasih ke imoku
yang telah mau berada di sisi Vee selama ini
apapun keadaan yang Vee alami..
Jeongmal gamsahamnida..

Setulus hati juga Vee mohon maaf ke imoku
karena segala kekurangan yang ada pada diri Vee
yang memungkinkan membebani imoku selama ini..
Jeongmal jwiseonghamnida..

Imoku chwigo..
Saranghanda imoku..

[Semoga kita disegerakan bertemu kembali dan membuat momen-momen kebahagiaan yang lain yang akan terus terukir dalam hidup kita yah imoku.. Miss you..]

Naver LINE Chat with Super Junior

Naver LINE Chat that held on March 21, 2013..

신동 : "members are over there."
은혁 : "Oh, are they the ones making the stage?"
신동 : "no ㅋㅋㅋ"
신동 : "they already know we are recording Line. What concept do you think they are doing?"
은혁 : "They probably are practicing.. and 동해-ssi is bad with these concept things.. I’m really curious about what concept he will have"
-신동/은혁 walk in-
신동 : "what, why aren’t you guys in a concept? Let’s walk back in"
-신동/은혁 walks out and pretends nothing happened-

Concept 규현 chose: Cleaning the dirty floor 
시원 : helping 민 do hip-up exercises 
성민 : Hip-up exercises
예성 wanted to show his ‘new side’ as a concept ㅋㅋ MCs gave him a chance to show his ‘new side’

Super Show 5 Seoul Day 2 Press Conference

Super Show 5 Seoul Day 2, held at Gymnastics Stadium in Olympics Park at 4 pm..

은혁 said that while he preparing for Super Show 5, he thinks back about Super Show 1 those he can work harder this time.
은혁 : In SS5 there so many parts that resemble SS1. During that time we mastering the know-how on stage. So pls anticipate.
슈주 : We will show you performance that will not ashame our sunbae and hoobae
은혁 : We are deeply moved that we can bring the brand ‘Super Show’ until now. I hope many people will support us more. I hope in the future they can support us warmer.
신동 : Super Show 5 concept is ‘Dream Note’ we put all of our dreams into one. This SS5 another member also participate in all of parts
은혁 : Now we mastering the know-how. What kind of performance the fans want, we know it. *omo the stripping show too?* lol
Because the Super Junior members know what kind of performances the fans want to see, the company only listen to them and trust them.

Mar 20, 2013

Kiss The Radio [130319]

Kiss The Radio (Sukira) with DJ Ryeowook and DJ Sungmin aired on March 19, 2013...

팬 : “민 DJ looks like a gym teacher!”
성민 : “Thank you.  looking like a gym teacher is good right?”
성민 said 성진 just sent him a picture of his broken iphone ㅋㅋ 민 said he got really surprised. 성진 sent “Hyungnim, it became like this.”
려욱 : “he always calls you hyungnim?”
성민 : “Only when he’s doing aegyo… he said his hoobae broke it…”
려욱 : “성진’s hoobae…”
성민 : “ㅠㅠㅠㅠ”
성민 went to the bathroom then talked with 성진 on the phone. 민 told 성진 that he’ll get him a new phone ♥
성민 : “Are you preparing for concert well?”
려욱 : “what? Do we need to even do practice? We can just stand..”
성민 : “why do I have so many things to practice?”
려욱 : “kkk I woke up at 6 AM… and have been practicing until coming to sukira today… after Sukira ends, we have to go back to practice.. I slept for few minutes in between… we’ll sleep after more practice…”
성민 : “I can’t sleep..”
려욱 : “Why?”
성민 : “Musical practice…”
DJs said members are together right now, still practicing for Super Show. 려욱 said you can anticipate for the solo stages ♥

Music Bank in Jakarta

South Korea and Indonesia are celebrating four decades of diplomatic ties. They celebrated it with a joint concert “Music Bank World Tour in Jakarta” March 9, 2013 at Gelora Bung Karno, Senayan. It was the fifth Music Bank World Tour after Tokyo, Paris, Hong Kong, and Chile.

Critics and Controversies

Half an hour before the concert started, fans screamed, “SHINee, SHINee, SHINee.” ELF (Super Junior fans) screamed, “Super Junior” with louder voice. And then, the venue went dark, and the big screen played Sexy, Free, and Single by Super Junior. Suddenly, pearl sapphire blue lights filled the venue. It looks like a blue sea of light stick. It also feels like Super Junior concert, because of ELF loud singing. It continued with BEASTBeautiful Night, and Eru Black Glasses, Infinite The Chaser, and SHINee Dream Girl and Sherlock. The fanchant is so clear for SHINee. The big screen continued with BEAST Fiction, 2PM Heartbeat, Super Junior Bonamana.

CECI Magazine April Issue

It’s been a while. Please introduce yourself.
We had a keyword associated with us since our debut. Playful Shindong, Jewel Eunhyuk, Teukki Teukki Leeteuk, Donghae with sad eyes, (laugh). Things like this. I was Strong Man Kangin. But now, I think “Kangin who returned” suits me the best.
 You were successful in losing weight. Was there a special reason to go on a diet?
Like every action requires a spark to start it, I had one. Teuk-ee hyung’s enlistment was the reason I decided to go on a diet.
Heechul hyung is still in the army, and Yesung and I are the eldest hyungs right now.I wanted to do something as the eldest and what I decided was to go back to the weight I was when we debuted. I promised to myself, members, and the company. Maybe no one believed me then but it was a promise. To myself and also a fight with myself so I worked hard. I exercised a lot and I reduced the amount I ate. Going on a diet wasn’t just to lose weight but also to keep a promise between myself and the members.

Today’s concept was “pink”. We wanted to show sharp Kangin, soft Kangin, and Kind Kangin. How was it?

Mar 19, 2013

Kiss The Radio [130318]

Kiss The Radio (Sukira) when airing on March 18, 2013..

성민 : “I loved small plants… I used to raise little herbs.. but I wasn’t able to take care of it for a long time so it withered.”
려욱 : “I bought a cactus to keep the electric waves out. Guys usually raise plants for this purpose while girls like to raise it because they… feel soft like marshmallow at heart.”
성민 : “Then I’m a girl?”
려욱 : “No, it means your heart is as soft as a girls’.”
성민 : “What will you do without me (on radio DJing with you)?”
려욱 : “I’ll manage it somehow.”
성민 : “…”
려욱 : “I came here after eating curry  “
성민 : “I want to eat it… I will make some and eat before going to sleep today”
성민 : “When I was little… If my mom was at her family’s house or away for a day, my dad would make a meal for me. He’d make a special sandwich. One meal (breakfast), we’d eat rice. Second meal (lunch) we’d eat what we want. Third meal (dinner), we’d eat a sandwich. I remember that it wasn’t a fancy sandwich but it had everything it’s suppose to have. I remember when I was a child, I found it really tasty”  “

Mar 16, 2013

Kiss The Radio [130314]

Kiss The Radio (Sukira) when airing on March 14, 2013...

려욱 : “I think 규헌 is most optimistic. We play around a lot but he never complains”
성민 : “He tells me when we’re  alone”,  
규헌 complains when he’s alone with the manager xD
려욱 : ”you didn't play 성시경’s song because we just talked about 규헌 right?” 
성민 : ”maybe?”
려욱 : ”their voices are really same”
려욱 said he brought some crackers today for white day.

성민 said he didn't even realize it was today they recorded their chicken cf today.

성민 said he got candies today (from Hong Gyung Min) then was like “wait.. i’m a guy..”

29 yrs old listener was connected today. 성민 was like “Hello my friend!!” She choose 성민 as her ideal type. 성민 said “two in a row! Woo hoo! As expected from my friend!” 려욱 then said “... you two talk to each other...” ㅋㅋㅋ At the end of the phonecall, 성민 said “Do you have anything to say?” to 려욱. 려욱 said “oh yeah she was still connected.”ㅋㅋ

신동 listened to Sukira last week and complained that Woori did not have enough parts. Lady Jane said 신동 is thinking of a new business right now and suggested partnership with her

Mar 15, 2013

ELLE Man Hongkong Magazine

What will you be doing if you didn’t become an artist?
I often discuss this with my parents, i think I will be in a university or overseas studying. I will most probably be a normal worker in a company like my other friends.
But you still chose this path?
I think it’s an adventure. In life, anything can be an adventure. Trying a new thing, trying a new image on stage, singing a song of a different genre is all an adventure. You can never know what’s your next step. Even this interview with the Hongkong media is something I have never anticipated.
If everyday is an adventure, isn’t life very tense for you?
Because I am adventurous and like to try new things, I enjoy the process. I seldom feel stress about it. When you challenge a new thing, you might fail in it but you might also learn many things from it. It’s how you adjust your atittude towards it. Like if you want to set sail in the sea, you must be prepared to run into storms.

Kiss The Radio [130313]

Kiss The Radio (Sukira) when airing on March 13, 2013...

려욱 : "Are you sad, everyone?? Today’s DJ is 려욱 only because 성민-ssi has got another work. I’m so sorry to all who miss 성민. He’s gone for work to eat food. I guess he feels really full now."
려욱 : "Listener gave a message which says '려욱 looks nervous now' Everyone thinks so?? I guess, because I’m alone today?? To be honest, I was nervous a little bit."
(during the quiz corner, 종현 came in to help)
려욱 : "종현- ssi~ How have you been??"
종현 : "Yea, long time no see~ 려욱-kun~~ In how many days??"
려욱 : "Not so many dayz."
려욱 : "Honestly speaking, when I felt lonely in Taiwan, I was doing jigsaw puzzle alone. At that time, I was wondering what I was doing.. kyakya"
려욱 : "A listener says 'Do you all know that 종현 and 지수 are in the same age??'. Is that correct??"
종현 : "Yea. Today I’m solo appearance here (as SHINee), but I’ve been here many times before, so I feel relax. I just greeted 'Nice to meet u~' with 지수-ssi, but I don't feel it’s the first (to meet other guests) coz also J-rabbit was often here with 오뉴-hyung DJ and I often watched them"

Mar 14, 2013

Kiss The Radio [130312]

Kiss The Radio (Sukira) when airing on March 12, 2013...

Listener : "려욱 oppa, you look perfect tonight"
욱 : "Yea, I’ve got some makeup. I didn’t have time to remove, coz I took time for dinner. 성민-ssi came here without dinner, but I came here after dinner. (without removing makeup)
(Soon after Guests came in, while 려욱 was speaking)
려욱 : "bo-n bon bobon bobon bobon"
성민 : "What are you doing??"
(Today’s theme is 'the time when you feel Spring')
Listener : "I can feel spring with strawberries."
려욱 : "There was one day when my mom bought loots of strawberries! I made strawberry jam at home then"
려욱 : "I changed my perfume coz spring comes close. Recently I spray perfume on my hair."
Beige : "On your hair??"
려욱 : "Yea, 광희-ssi told me that it’s good to do so"
성민 : "Since when have you become to obey what 광희 says??"
려욱 : "At my house, there is a tree of Dekopon. I guess 성민-ssi doesn’t know..? I sometimes take some Dekopon from the tree to give members. My parents got the tree when they went to Jeju-island. My father is really good at taking care of the tree, and it’s growing well still now"
N : "It seems fun to eat Dekopon at home"
성민 : "aww..I really like Dekopon…"
려욱 : "Next time, I’ll get it for you."
성민 said he usually wake up at 7 or 8 and he’ll stay lively until midnight. But when it’s spring he always feel like taking a nap during the day. And one thing he really dislike is having to wake up because of class. He said it’s really disturbing.

Source at Rin ‏@rinpachi1031 and @Moojigae881217
Translated by minejpelf ‏@MineMygf and Natz (@kyuminupdates)
Shared at by myblacksmile101
Re-Shared at by Vee

Newsen Interview

Recent auditions programs are focusing on things outside just singing and dancing, but also cooking. Recently started 'Master Chef Korea Celebrity' on Olive gathered celebrities, that claims they can cook, for a competition. There is a cute competitor with awkward Korean that is showing off his charms right now. It’s Super Junior M’s Henry.

Henry is Super Junior M’s member that works mostly in Chinese regions and are not familiar to Korean viewers. But despite lacking activities in Korea, he was able to come on the cooking show. He said “My cooking skills improved through the 6~7 months training I received for my movie recently. I was trained 5~6 hours daily by a famous chef.” He said his interest in cooking came from recording ‘Final Recipe’ movie.

Mar 13, 2013

Kiss The Radio [130311]

Kiss The Radio (Sukira) when airing on March 11, 2013...

민 said he's tried from work many times today and he definitely look like that.

A listener said he is only in his first year of junior high school, but he already 188cm tall, hence he is very worried. 성민 and 려욱 became very angry when they heard this.
인수 : "I’ve seen Looftop Moonlight before. You two became more beautiful!!"
민욱 : LOL
Listener : "Who is the cool guy?? (about 인수, the listener didn’t know about him)
성민 :"That must be 성민!!"
려욱 : "While 성민 is practicing for musical or drama, the role’s personality appears in 성민’s private life."
성민 : "It cant help, coz I just think of my role."
려욱 : "In Indonesia, there were lots of young idols.. SHINee, INFINITE, TEENTOP etc.. I updated photo with 태민, but yea he’s really young, I need photo shop."
려욱 : "인수’s voice is a little bit.. male!"
RTML : "A little bit male??" LOL
려욱 : "Also his voice has cuteness"
성민 : "That is his voice’s attraction"
려욱 : "yea attraction"
Sukira has ended but it seems like SJ has rehearsal after this. 

Source at minejpelf and レア ‏@mineko_mai
Translated by 미니 ‏@minniestarrr
Shared at by myblacksmile101
Re-Shared at by Vee

Mar 12, 2013

Kiss The Radio [130310]

Kiss The Radio (Sukira) when airing on March 10, 2013...

려욱 : "i’ve never ask for a phone number of a cashier because usually it’s a man or an old lady."
성민 : "maybe i have. I met a pretty girl who was a cashier and my heart was beating fast."
려욱 : "your heart was beating fast?"
성민 : "i thought i would be good to meet her again. But because i’m a public figure i can’t say ‘can i have your phone number?’ So i drew a heart on the receipt when i sign. Ehehe." (So he ended up didn’t get her phone number)
려욱 : "a heart."
성민 : "this time if i draw a heart on a receipt for anyone, it means ‘can i have your phone number’. So please tell me!" *laughs* ahahaha
성민 : "I used to give a ride to a person i thought is nice. (Presumbly a girl he likes) and i wanna show the good point of me so i opened a classical song. but, on that day, my stomach was really bad. I tried to endure and endure. But i ended up farting anyway. At that time, Beethoven’s song was playing, so unfortunately i farted along with the papapapaaan part of the song."
려욱 : "Ahahahahahaha!! ! Papapapaaan!!"
성민 : "even though i was trying to show the good point after that i can’t even contact her."
성민 : "If i talk to my mom on the phone, it would usually be around 20 minutes. We’ll joke and talk about things. so, when my mom is on the phone with me while she’s having here hair done at the Salon, it seems like people said to her ‘you talk on the phone for so long with your son' with envy."
려욱 : "Wow... for me talk like 2-3 minutes is already long. if i talk only things that need to get done, it would be only about 40 seconds. 성민-ssi, you’re a good son."

Source at @miyahee09
Translated by Natz (@kyuminupdates)
Shared at by myblacksmile101
Re-Shared at by Vee

Mar 11, 2013

Epop Malaysia Magazine March Issue

What do you like lately?

규현 : "Delicious food!"
신동 : "That’s weird"
규현 : "Weird, isn’t it? I don’t mind doing errands as long as there’s delicious food!"
신동 : "Lately, I love to play golf. I once said in a show that I know how to play golf. So, everyone assumed that I know how to play golf. They all want to play golf with me."
이특 : "You don’t know how to play golf, do you?"
신동 : "Honestly, I don’t!"
시원 : "I love to look at matching colors everywhere I go! When I see a weird combination of colors, I will think, this combination doesn’t match at all. This game is fun to play while I’m bored."
동해 : "I like to put aromatherapy candles at home! I really like the smell of the fragrance fron the candles."
성민 : "I really like some things lately!"
예성 : "What is that? Is it golf?"
성민 : "신동 influenced me to play golf!"
려욱 : "I love to travel!! I like to travel to Europe at young age!"

KanFun Magazine No. 92 Issue

SungMin, a member of Super Junior which is Asia No.1 Multi Entertainment Group 
will stand on the second Musical stage in Japan

He was casted as triple main cast of 'Summer Snow' which will start at Amashin Archaic Hall in Hyogo. The original of this musical is the drama which was broadcasted starring Domoto Tsuyoshi of Kinki Kids (Japanese Idol group) in 2000 in Japan. SungMin who is really busy preparing to show his new appearance to his fans in the tight schedule that was in parallel with group activities talked about new musical.

~I want to respond to the impressed which I got last time.~

This interview was held in the same place with they had a press con of 'Summer Snow'. In spite of really busy schedule, He appeared with the really fresh smile and proceeded to talk in friendly atmosphere.

What is the most impressed scene of “Summer Snow” (JP drama)?
It’s the first dating scene. I’m really interested in Scuba Diving, so I thought about how I will do if I’m in the same situation. I also thought about how happy the trip with a beloved woman is! I was jealous of their dating, and also it was the most beautiful scene of the drama.

Mar 2, 2013

My Flower Boy Neighbour's

Genre : 
Romance, Comedy |
Network : 
TvN |
Broadcast : 
Jan 7 - Feb 26, 2013 |
Director : 
Jung Jung Hwa |
Screenwriter : 
Kim Eun Jung, Yoo Hyun Sook (webcomic) |
Episodes : 
16 |
Watch :  
complete |
Download OST :  
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Special - FULL |
Award : 
- |
My Opinion : 
Drama that tells the story of the changes that occur in Go Dok Mi very anti social because of the trauma of a painful past. Changes occurred since Enrique, a young successful game creator who moved in the apartment next door. With the help of Enrique, Go Dok Mi began to open up to see the world outside the cozy world in his room.
Romance that occurs between players is quite sweet, with little concerns that do and jealousy that splashed in between them.
Good drama.. |