May 11, 2013

The Virus

Genre : 
Medical, Thriller |
Network : 
Broadcast : 
Mar 1 - May 3, 2013 |
Director : 
Choi Young Soo |
Screenwriter : 
Lee Myung Sook |
Episodes : 
10 |
Watch :  
complete |
Download OST :  
Part 1 |
Award : 
- |
My Opinion : 
Medical drama that tells the story of how the handling of a virus that spread in the community, how the special department to find the cause and trying to find solutions and how the actions of the government in the face of the threat of a deadly virus being spread due to certain parties who want to take advantage of the virus spreading.
Besides Uhm Ki Joon who is acting very cool, Hyun Woo also makes me happy to follow this drama. Short drama which is quite entertaining. |

May 4, 2013

Incarnation of Money

Genre : 
Melodrama, Romance, Comedy, Mystery |
Network : 
Broadcast : 
Feb 2 - Apr 21, 2013 |
Director : 
Yu In Sik |
Screenwriter : 
Jang Young Cheol, Jung Kyung Soon |
Episodes : 
24 |
Watch :  
complete |
Download OST :  
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 |
Award : 
- |
My Opinion : 
I love this drama that uses a genius way to get revenge. The main character of the properties described greedy because they want to restore the "debt" then changed his character for other purposes for the past forgotten by him.
The romance between the main character is not overly shown in the storyline, there are only depictions of conflict and solutions they face together. The power of love between family members are very prominent and it makes me love this story.
But somewhat less satisfied with the end of one of the figures given by the authors, but its okay lah still good rate. |