Dec 22, 2012

Full House Take 2

Genre : 
Romance, Comedy |
Network : 
SBS Plus |
Broadcast : 
Oct 22 - Des 13, 2012 |
Director : 
Kim Jin Young |
Screenwriter : 
Park Young Sook |
Episodes : 
32 |
Watch :  
complete |
Download OST :  
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - FULL |
Award : 
- |
My Opinion : 
originally I was not interested in following this drama seeing promotional posters, I do not like the style of lead cast in there even though I already know the casts in the dramas I've ever watched before. but having the courage to look at the beginning of the episode, the plot apparently okay.
plot told how ceo an agency that forces artists to do whatever he wish. whether the artist likes it or not, the artist just think to protect something that he loved. There are speculating that the storyline is the depiction of an actual agency korean with one of his artist, really similar.
oya, I always "closed" my eyes when I saw No Min Woo in here, I do not like her dress style, the small size of his leg disturbing my eyes when I saw him wear skinny jeans. overall, okay.. ^^ |

Nov 16, 2012

The Innocent Man

Genre : 
Melodrama |
Network : 
KBS2 |
Broadcast : 
Sep 12 - Nov 15, 2012 |
Director : 
Kim Jin Won |
Screenwriter : 
Lee Kyeong Hee |
Episodes : 
20 |
Watch :  
complete |
Download OST :  
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 |
Award : 
- |
My Opinion : 
The great drama that i ever seen. Joong Ki oppa, he is super poker face from the beginning until almost the end of drama. when he sad, i'm crying, when he happy, i smile. Daebak!! Chae Won eonni too, same with him. has a poker face. Their acting so  awesome in this drama. Althought, some people said ending of this drama is open ended, coz the happiness that Ma Roo - Eun Gi get at the end is just imagination of Ma Roo, i dont think so, even there is Ma Roo monologue since he collapse at the park. And, i found Prosopagnosia topic is up again at this drama. ^___^ |

Nov 8, 2012

Long Distance Relationship (LDR)

Apa yang dipikirin pas ngebaca judulnya?!
Pacaran jarak jauh?! Itu nama lainnya..
Jarang ketemuan, komunikasi gak lancar, dll.. Itu mah resikonya..

Hmm, mungkin banyak orang yang menghindari menjalin hubungan secara LDR karena resiko-resiko yang mungkin terjadi selama proses berlangsung hingga berubah ke tingkat yang paling diinginkan, yaitu pernikahan. Banyak cerita yang Vee dengar dari temen atau orang-orang yang pernah menjalani LDR ini semua penuh dengan tantangan dan pengorbanan. Mulai dari rindu yang mendalam gara-gara gak bisa "routine dating every satnite", komunikasi yang kurang optimal karena terbatas pada alat komunikasi yang dimiliki, perbincangan orang-orang sekitar yang meragukan keberlangsungan hubungan ataupun masalah-masalah lain yang menjadi cobaan itu sendiri dalam menjalin hubungan bersama dengan baik.

Diluar semua resiko dan konsekuensi yang udah Vee tahu secara sekilas kalau menjalani LDR itu lebih sulit ketimbang hubungan yang "biasa" dijalani oleh sebagian orang, gak tau kenapa Vee malah lebih ingin merasakan LDR saat ini, demi apapun. Mencoba tantangan dan resiko yang sudah pasti seperti apa di depan mata itu lebih mengasyikan. Hubungan yang "mengharuskan" untuk jarang bertatap muka membuat Vee bisa merasakan kerinduan yang mendalam yang bisa diekspresikan lebih baik saat bertemu setelah sekian lama.
Sebagian besar yang ngejalani LDR, gak bertahan lama katanya gara-gara komunikasi gak lancar yang berakibat kesalahpahaman. Klo menurut Vee, gak ada namanya komunikasi yang gak lancar klo masing-masing tahu kapasitas keterlibatan dalam kehidupan seseorang, sekalipun itu pasangan hidup yang udah menikah, gak semua hal harus di-share loh. Tetap ada rahasia yang harus dijaga seseorang, entah itu yang menyakitkan ataupun  yang menyenangkan bagi dirinya. Selain itu, saling percaya itu penting banget, dan yang pasti jangan asal udah ngerasa dipercayaain trus berusaha nyuri-nyuri untuk ngekhianatin. Sekali gak dipercaya, bakal susah untuk dikasi kesempatan. Seperti kata pepatah, Kepercayaan itu Mahal. Kepercayaan dan tau kapasitas keterlibatan gak akan mempermasalahkan komunikasi yang kurang, jadinya gak akan ada deh salah paham itu, yang ada malah saling pengertian dan perhatian yang bertambah.

Keinginan untuk menjalin hubungan jarak jauh semakin kuat Vee rasakan, saat si dia yang Vee sayang saat ini memang terpisah jarak yang lumayan jauh. Ingin bersama dengannya dalam satu hubungan yang jelas, tetapi jarak memisahkan untuk bisa menjalin hubungan yang seperti biasanya sehingga memungkinkan Vee untuk berpikiran "gimana klo LDR-an sama dia yah?"  tapi sampai saat ini, keinginan itu belum juga terwujud. Banyak hal yang merintangi untuk bisa mewujudkannya, walau keinginan dan hasrat yang ada begitu besar padanya.
Bisakah suatu saat nanti Vee merasakan gimana rasanya berhubungan jarak jauh yang sebenarnya tanpa harus menerka-nerka yang terjadi pada dua orang yang sedang menjalankanny??
Berharap besar si dia bisa tahu dan bisa memberikan Vee kesempatan untuk berhubungan serius dengannya, walaupun kami harus LDR-an tapi itu bisa jadi awal bagi hubungan yang lebih baik lagi di antara kami ke depannya..

I love you, RF..

Oct 27, 2012

Arang and The MAgistrate

Genre : 
Fantasy, Period, Romance, Supernatural |
Network : 
Broadcast : 
Aug 15 - Oct 18, 2012 |
Director : 
Kim Sang Ho |
Screenwriter : 
Jung Yoon Jung |
Episodes : 
20 |
Watch :  
complete |
Download OST :  
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5Part 6Part 7Part 8Part 9Special Edition |
Award : 
- |
My Opinion : 
The first drama that really feels mystical air. Displayed atmosphere really makes goosebumps while watching it. I had put off watching the few episodes due to "fear" a mystical air that comes when watching this drama. But beyond the mystical effect that happens to me,  I strongly recommended to watch it. The story and romance that occurs between the Arang and the magistrate is very interesting. Please feel free to watched. ^^ |

Oct 6, 2012

Ma Boy

Genre : 
Teen, School, Romantic-Comedy |
Network : 
Tooniverse |
Broadcast : 
Aug 16 - 30, 2012 |
Director : 
Lee Jung Min |
Screenwriter : 
Moon Sun Hee |
Episodes : 
3 |
Watch :  
complete |
Download OST :  
Part 1 |
Award : 
- |
My Opinion : 
The simplest stories I've ever watched so far. with only 3 episodes, scriptwriter can make a very good storyline. because it is intended for teenagers, the story is light and sweet romance that is raised can make me feel very well what is going on between the casts.
Sun Woong who plays Irene as well as Hyun Woo, really kkotminam, she was very beautiful as a woman. Kim So Hyun who plays Geu Rim, teens are very energetic and cheerful, unlike the character while playing in The Moon That Embrace The Sun, I love his character here. ^^ |

Sep 16, 2012

It's Really Hard

Saturday_Sept 15, 2012..

Ya Allah, gak sanggup banget untuk nguatin mulut biar gak cerita-cerita "best moment" ke PRc apalagi ama F4 kalo lagi pada ngumpul. Bibir gatel banget untuk ngejalin kata demi kata nyeritain detailnya "best moment' yang udah terjadi. Sumpah, Vee pengen banget cerita ke mereka semua, tapi Vee gak sanggup untuk nerima resikonya nanti. Gak tau apa yang Vee takutkan kalo misalnya udah cerita, tapi ketakutan itu ada dan susah untuk dihilangkan. Entah kenapa Vee takut kalo disuruh ngelupain, itu hal yang sungguh sangat sulit bagi Vee. Harus ada yang benar-benar mengalihkan perhatian Vee dari dia baru bisalah untuk sedikit demi sedikit tak acuh dan akhirnya bisa menjauh dan melupakan. Kalo gak ada apa-apa tapi dipaksa untuk ngelupain, say goodbye deh tuh usaha, yakin bakal sia-sia dengan suksesnya.
Nyeritain ke mereka sih masalah gampang, kapan ajah Vee bisa lakuin. Tapi untuk nerima konsekuensinya itu masalah yang gak gampang. Karena bukan hanya bibir yang berucap tapi juga hati yang harus ditata dengan baik dan perbuatan yang tak mengingkari apa yang diucapkan serta dirasakan. Beneran susah untuk menyinkronkan 3 hal yang saling bertabrakan untuk satu tujuan yang sama.
Yang minggu kemaren ajah hampir kebongkar kalo gak pinter-pinter ngeles gara-gara curcol yang ternyata gak tepat waktu. Mana sempat nyinggung soal 'seandainya' kalo tuh orang nikah duluan lagi. Pas denger itu beneran pengen netes banget rasanya, walaupun cuma 'seandainya' tapi tetep ajah udah tau keadaan yang memungkinkan itu bisa diatas 50%. Nyesek banget rasanya dan kekuatan untuk berbagi memuncak, tapi segera ditahan dengan sekuat tenaga. Yang bikin nyesek parah lagi adalah saat icha nyeplos "fai, nikah yok", tau sih itu becandaan tapi nyeseknya berasa banget soalnya Vee gak bisa kayak gitu, gak bisa bikin hal-hal kayak gitu jadi becandaan. Mungkin Vee terlalu serius, tapi apa mau dikata keadaan yang membuat jadi seperti ini. Vee udah tau perasaan dia kayak gimana, pasti akan terlihat bodoh banget donk kalo hal itu Vee jadiin becandaan  sedangkan Vee tau gimana yang sebenernya.
Vee nunda untuk cerita detailnya ke anak PRc juga dengan penuh pertimbangan kok. So guys, plis yah ngertiin Vee. Bukannya gak mau cerita, tapi waktunya yang beloman tepat. Dan Vee gak mau usaha yang Vee sedang lakuin ini ada "bantuan" dari kalian, Vee hanya ingin mengukur kekuatan diri Vee dalam melupakannya tanpa kalian. Setaun deh, sesuai "janji" Vee ke dia untuk move on, jadi semoga dalam jangka waktu itu Vee akan baik-baik saja. 
So, demi kebaikan bersama ada baiknya Vee menunda penyebarluasan ceritanya. Bersabar setahun lagi bisa yah guys..

Sep 15, 2012

Bridal Mask

Genre : 
Action, Romance |
Network : 
KBS2 |
Broadcast : 
May 30 - Sep 6, 2012 |
Director : 
Yun Seong Sik |
Screenwriter : 
Yoo Hyun Mi, Huh Young Man (comic) |
Episodes : 
28 |
Watch :  
complete |
Download OST :  
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 |
Award : 
- |
My Opinion : 
Action drama which lazily watched at the beginning. But in the middle of the story, an unstoppable curiosity arises. Conflict and hidden nature of each character that is really strong. They can put themselves well and hiding strategies so neatly, so that the enemy is hard to find out.
But unfortunately, the ending was really anticlimactic. After so many were killed, but the struggle that has been done does not show the independence, only be seen when all the people have started to struggle blatantly no longer afraid of the Japanese government. |

Sep 2, 2012

Time Slip Dr. Jin

Genre : 
Medical, Romance, Time Travel |
Network : 
Broadcast : 
May 26 - Aug 12, 2012 |
Director : 
Han Hee |
Screenwriter : 
Han Ji Hoon, Motoka Murakami (comic) |
Episodes : 
22 |
Watch :  
complete |
Download OST :  
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - FULL |
Award : 
2012 MBC Drama Awards ||
  • Best New Actor : Kim Jae Joong | 
My Opinion : 
i don't like character Young Rae in here, she really wishy washy. can't decide who really she loved, just can make someone who love her suffering. haa, i don't understand why Dr. Jin back to period 300 years ago,what his mission in there?? can't get the real storyline of this drama. coz of that, i have sufficient time not to watch this drama for some episodes. |

Aug 26, 2012

Finally, It's Done! My Best Moment..

August 25, 2012.. 11.15 pm

Keputusan penting diambil secara mendadak. Dengan modal yang terhitung sangat nekat untuk melakukan keputusan itu pun terlaksanakan. Awal niatan hanya ingin menyampaikan perasaan yang selama ini tertanam di dalam hati tanpa meminta balasan apapun darinya tapi ternyata di tengah jalan ada terbersit harapan bahwa apa yang dirasakan selama ini akan terbalas terbalas. Malam yang penuh dengan perasaan yang ditarik ulur pun berakhir. Rasa sesak dan lega terasa bersamaan. Ternyata begini rasanya. Kembali mendapatkan pengalaman dan kenangan yang tak akan pernah aku lupakan di dalam hidupku. 
Love you...

Awalnya gak ada pemikiran sama sekali untuk menyatakan padanya. Waktu yang terlewati di siang hari berlalu biasa saja, hingga matahari beranjak dari langit dan tergantikan oleh bulan semuanya terasa berbeda. Waktu yang tadinya berlalu dengan cepat tiba-tiba melambat, perasaan tenang di dalam hatipun terguncang ketika terpikirkan bahwa selama beberapa hari yang lalu kepribadiannya berada dalam kategori yang cukup waras dan juga malam ini adalah malam terakhirnya berada di kota yang sama denganku dan kekhawatiranku muncul ketika memikirkan kepribadian anehnya akan kembali setelah dia pergi dari kota ini. Complicated mind.
Untuk beberapa saat sempat terasa menggila di dalam otakku. Lakukan atau tidak. Sekarang atau tidak. Benar-benar membingungkan dan membuat kepala berputar-putar rasanya.
Akhirnya di waktu-waktu terakhir sebelum hari berganti, aku memberanikan diri. Walau ada perasaan ingin mendengarkan suaranya secara langsung tapi hati dan pikiranku takut untuk mendapatkan sesuatu yang tak kuat untuk kutahan nantinya, alhasil semua dilakukan by message..

Aug 25, 2012

A Gentleman's Dignity

Genre : 
Romance, Comedy |
Network : 
Broadcast : 
May 26 - Aug 12, 2012 |
Director : 
Shin Woo Cheol, Kwon Hyuk Chan |
Screenwriter : 
Kim Eun Suk |
Episodes : 
20 |
Watch :  
complete |
Download OST :  
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5Part 6Part 7 |
Award : 
- |
My Opinion : 
Drama filled with cuteness of 4 people who did not know their actual age. How can ahjussi 40 year old act like a teenager like them. Childish behavior when being together. Extraordinary drama ever. Rifling my emotions overall, light path at the beginning and a bit tricky lately. But, the ending is sweet as expected after a tough problem. There is always a rainbow after the rain. ^^ |

Ghost (Phantom)

Genre : 
Crime, Action, Investigation, Mystery |
Network : 
Broadcast : 
May 30 - Aug 9, 2012 |
Director : 
Kim Hyeong Sik |
Screenwriter : 
Kim Eun Hee |
Episodes : 
20 |
Watch :  
complete |
Download OST :  
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 |
Award : 
2012 SBS Drama Awards ||
  • Best Actor (Drama Special) : So Ji Sub | 
  • Ten Star Award : So Ji Sub |
  • Special Actor (Drama Special) : Kwak Do Won |
My Opinion : 
the criminal drama that make me so anxious for their gadgets. i'm frustrated should to have it, sophisticated and cool technology, samsung is the sponsor.
the storyline is about hacking, coz of this drama i know how someone be a cool hacker to save country and solve a big problem that related to a cyber connection. and somehow, i afraid if my connection to be hacked when i careless after i watched this drama. inspiratif drama to be a part of cyber police. ^^ |

Aug 12, 2012

Super Junior - Outsider

Song that tells about someone must being an outsider when she/he feels so bored with complicated stuffs in her/his life. Funny song. Feels like Mr. Simple's song for the meaning because must be so simple when you have some hard time in your life. Hmm.. Lets we try to be an outsider sometimes.. ^__^


Oneul haru dongan naneun outsider
Bokjaphan il deonjyeobeorin outsider
Geu nuguye nunchi ddawi boji anko
Nae gal gireul ddubeokddubeok outsider, outsider, outsider

Bokjaphan jihacheol ggubeokggubeok jolda heogeopjigeop neryeo
9 to 5 jugeora ilhago namyeon haega jeomulgo, knockdown idwaego
Nae oraen chinguwa bap hanbeon meokgi mwoga himdeunji
Geuri gachi buteo danideon hunhunhaetdeon uri dul saido meoreojin deut hago
Jeongmal andwaendago

Super Junior - Only U

Soft song with soft voice, make my heart melted immediately. One song that tells about the one and only love in your life. With that translation, i feel like i'm flying in the sky. Hoaaaa, so wonderful. And once again, this song is dedicated from their pure love to ELF. I love them more and more.


Nae mal deureo jullae amu maldo haji malgo na sashireun neomuna buranhae
Nega eomneun haru oddeohke gyeondilji jeongmal molla
Uri ggeutchi aniraneungeol ara
Naega eomneun binjarie honja apa uljineun ma

Nae mamsoge ojik neo ne mamsoge ojik na
Seoro dalmaganeun moseubi sarange bbajyeo itdaneungeot
Gateun haneul dareun got urin jamshi ddeoreojyeo
Jigeum i sungan yeongwonhi itji malgo gieokhae

Super Junior - SPY

I like their choreography. They are not only danced the same movement continuosly, but that "messy dance" make all of them really cool. With theme "James Bond", they all transform into a spy, the most handsome and cool spy. Especially samchon, he is really cool with "gun" on his chest. Hyun never be lost in my eyes, really cool when he jump up in the beginning. I love them day by day. ^____^


Naega saranghan S.P.Y. geunyeoreul jjocha Day and night
Japil deut jabhiji anha geurimjacheoreom butjiman
Naega saranghan S.P.Y. geunyeoreul jjocha Day and night
Sumi teok ggeutggaji cha wa geunyeoreul gyeonun geusungan

I got you little runaway (x4)

Super Junior - Haru

One more song that is filled with their soft voices. Really suited when you wanted to calm down yourself. The translation is really sweet for your secret love for the first time that you really want she/he being your girl/boyfriend. So touching..


Ireon gibun cheoeumiya Baby Ireon sarang cheoeumiya Baby
Nareul seollege haneun saram marya narang dalmeun sarang neo marya

Bogo bwado ddo bogo shipeo nae yeopeman isseojul saram
Nuga bwado nae ibbeun yeojachingu narang dalmeun sarang neo marya

Nun gamado chajeul su isseo sesang dan hanabbunin neol naega neol jikyeojulge Baby

Aug 4, 2012


Genre : 
Fantasy, Romance, Comedy |
Network : 
KBS2 |
Broadcast : 
Jun 4 - Jul 24 , 2012 |
Director : 
Ji Byung-Hyun |
Screenwriter : 
Hong Jeong-Eun, Hong Mi-Ran |
Episodes : 
16 |
Watch :  
complete |
Download OST :  
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 |
Award : 
- |
My Opinion : 
At first, the fantasy look awesome and always making curious to watch the next episode. But getting close to the end, seemed to force the story to be interesting. Do not like the character of Gil Da Ran here is too wishy washy and wants all the good things happening to her. I feel sympathy for the character of Jang Ma Ri, do not know why, lucky in the end he liked Gil Choong Sik and willing to let go Kang Kyeong Joon. |

I Do, I Do

Genre : 
Romance, Comedy |
Network : 
Broadcast : 
May 30 - Jul 19, 2012 |
Director : 
Kang Dae Sun |
Screenwriter : 
Jo Jung Hwa |
Episodes : 
16 |
Watch :  
complete |
Download OST :  
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - FULL |
Award : 
- |
My Opinion : 
when i watched this drama, i restrain my feel and my expectation of storyline. i have a bad feel to the end of story, dont know why. and that's be true, the end of story didn't like what i imagine. i feel this storyline is standard, dont have deep feeling when watching it. sorry..  |

Jul 17, 2012

An Interview with 10Asia Magazine

“If you take the bad comment as a good one then you’ll feel happiness.”

Although it has been said many times, but according to Kim Gura, he’s “Holy Grail with poisons”. MBC 《Radio Star》’s fourth MC, is a place that all comedians wanted, but at the same times only people with extraordinary spirit can qualified for that place. So, I was very surprise. Last year October, he made an appearance on the studio by singing Sung Sikyung ‘I’m touched’, Super Junior’s magnae, Kyuhyun, a ballad idol, the original ore of variety is in this place. But he was hesitated in the beginning cos he couldn’t ask the guest intense questions. Get assaulted from the teasing of Kim Gura’s “Be more strong!” and Yoon Jongshin’s “듣보” (means can’t hear and can’t see), the magnae survived 9 months in《Radio Star》and now became the middle. (I) saw the appearance of this handsome man, the soulful vocal, bright smile and vicious straight talking, the combination of these entire on one idol, the ‘poisonous’ idol, Kyuhyun.

Jul 2, 2012

Super Junior - From U

This song, has been appeared on VCR SS3, but at that time this song not "full" like now..
VCR display that 10 members playing basketball when they feel bored at the same time..
That time, we called "that song" with "A Song For ELF"..
I think, oppadeul have completed this song now and give it to ELF in this album..


This song is dedicated to the world’s biggest fan club
The “ELF”, my girls, my angels.

Urin, su nyeon jeone cheoeum manna cheot nune sarange bbajyeobeoryeotgo
Baby, naega eodil gadeun machi geurimja cheoreom nae gyeote seo itgo
Saranghandaneun ge ddaeron jeungmyeonghal ge neomu neomu mana
Apeul ddae-edo naega muneojil ddaedo geunyeo mani naege nama inneungeol

Super Junior - Sexy, Free & Single

Akhirnya 6Jib ini keluar juga.. Alunan musik yang up-beat bikin semangat saat mendengarkannya. Bercerita tentang semangat yang tak pernah padam apapun yang sedang dihadapi, selalu berpikir positif pada semua hal yang terjadi untuk masa depan yang lebih baik..
Lets listen it guys..


Every single day I try jeong mal geo i da wa sseo
We get closer to a good time shi ryeon deu re Say goodbye.

Sexy, Free & Single i je jun bi neun wal lyo.
Sexy, Free & Single I’m ready too, Bingo

Hey! Nu gu na swip sa ri gan neun geon jae mi eop ja na jom deo nop ge, se ge la la la la la la
Wi e seo bwa. Gyeon dyeo naen ja ga ggae dat ge dwae neun geot jom deo beo tyeo, beo tyeo la la la la la la

Nae sa ra ma, sa ra ma nal deo mi deo jwo. Nan deu di eo Wake up su myeon wi ro
Gin shi ryeo ne deo gi peo jyeo na da wo jyeo. I jen Upgrade da eum dan gye ro na ga oh-

*Su mi cha ge dal lyeo wa meot ji ge ggeun naen geu dae Have a good time o neul man keum Party time
Ga seu mi yo dong chi neun seung ni reul mat bwa i je neun Have a good time nu ga geu dael mak gen na? Oh-

**Sexy, Free & Single I’m ready too, Bingo
Sexy, Free & Single I’m ready too, Bingo
Yeok shi bul li han hwang nyu re mat seo geom ni mal go
Yeok shi bul li han hwang nyu reun ggeut do an bwa do Bingo

Mu geop da go, mu seop da go po gi ha ji neun ma i je bu teo ga jin jja na na na na na na
Nu gu na han beon jjeum da ggyeo ggeo bo neun geot bbun We fail, We lose, To win du ryeo wo ha ji ma ra

Nae sa ra ma, sa ra ma nan deo gang hae jyeo sseo. Yeah! Deu di eo u ri Time for romance.
Deo meot jin ggu meul hyang hae ddo na ra ga ge sseo. Da shi Upgrade ji kyeo bwa, mat gyeo bwa.

Nan jeom jeom dae dam hae ji neun geol. Sexy, Sexy, Sexy
I geo chin se sang eul ma ju han chae Too hot-
Jun bi dwaen ja man a neun geol. Sexy, Sexy, Sexy
Yeo gin ggeut do eom neun byeon su man keum Have fun 3. 2. 1 Go!

*Su mu cha ge dal lyeo wa meot ji ge ggeun naen geu dae Have a good time o neul man keum Party time
Ga seu mi yo dong chi neun seung ni reul mat bwa i je neun Have a good time nu ga geu dael mak gen na? Oh-

**Sexy, Free & Single nan jom gwaen cha neun nam ja
Sexy, Free & Single neon jom dae dan han nam ja
Yeok shi bul lu han hwang nyu re mat seo geom nae ji mal go
Yeok shi bul li han hwang nyu re ggeut do an bwa do Bingo

I se sang ggeu te seo ddo han beon su meul dol li go
Nal ji kyeo jun sa ram so jung han mi deu meul gan jik hae gi dae hae do jo a. Let’s go!

**Sexy, Free & Single I’m ready too, Bingo
Sexy, Free & Single I’m ready too, Bingo

*Su mi cha ge dal lyeo wa meot ji ge ggeun naen geu dae Have a good time o neul man keum Party time
Ga seu mi yo dong chi neun seung ni reul mat bwa i je neun Have a good time nu ga geu dael mak gen na? Oh-
Sexy, Free & Single I’m ready too, Bingo

English translation..
Every single day I try, I really am almost there
We get closer to a good time, Say goodbye to all the hardships.

Sexy, Free & Single now the preparation is complete.
Sexy, Free & Single I’m ready too, Bingo

Hey! It’s no fun if anyone can take you with ease. A bit higher, stronger la la la la la la
Look above. It will dawn on the one who’s been withstanding. Endure, endure a bit more la la la la la la

My person, my person, believe me more. Finally I Wake up above my slumber
I become deeper, more like me after the long harship. Now I’m heading to the next stage of Upgrade Oh-

*Run till you’re out of breath, you who is so awesome. Have a good time, it’s Party time on a day like today
Have a taste of the victory that jolts your heart. Now Have a good time, who will stop you? Oh-

**Sexy, Free & Single I’m ready too, Bingo
Sexy, Free & Single I’m ready too, Bingo
Also, when you stand unfavorable chances, don’t be afraid
Also, even when the unfavorable chances don’t seem to end, Bingo

Don’t give up saying it’s heavy, it’s scary. It’s the real thing from now on na na na na na na
It’s just something everyone would experience once. We fail, We lose, To win. Don’t be afraid

My person, my person, I’ve become stronger. Yeah! Finally it’s our Time for romance.
Again I will fly toward a greater dream. Another Upgrade, just watch me, leave it to me.

I’m getting more and more daring. Sexy, Sexy, Sexy
While facing this harsh world Too hot-
Something only the one who is ready knows. Sexy, Sexy, Sexy
As much as the endless variables there are here, Have fun 3. 2. 1 Go!

*Run till you’re out of breath, you who is so awesome. Have a good time, it’s Party time on a day like today
Have a taste of the victory that jolts your heart. Now Have a good time, who will stop you? Oh-

**Sexy, Free & Single I’m a fine man
Sexy, Free & Single You’re an amazing man
Also, when you stand unfavorable chances, don’t be afraid
Also, even when the unfavorable chances don’t seem to end, Bingo

At the end of this world, I try to catch my breath again
I treasure the precious trust of people who’ve watched over me, so anticipate. Let’s go!

**Sexy, Free & Single I’m ready too, Bingo
Sexy, Free & Single I’m ready too, Bingo

*Run till you’re out of breath, you who is so awesome. Have a good time, it’s Party time on a day like today
Have a taste of the victory that jolts your heart. Now Have a good time, who will stop you? Oh-
Sexy, Free & Single I’m ready too, Bingo

Source at by Ariel
Shared at by Vee

Super Junior - Gulliver

Music houseeeeeeee...


Gulliver Gulliver Gu Gu Gulliver Gulliver Gu Gu (x2)

Gogael dwiro jeochyeo wireul bwa nan Super Giant Gulliver
Geollijeogeorineun geon da mireo nal mideo neol iggeureo jul New Leader

Amuri ddwieobwado mureuppage oneun jeongdo gireul sseugo dallyeobwado eochapi han georeum jeongdo
Aniggopdaneun nunbitdeul i jeongdoroneun seonge an cha somunman museonghae gakja ddeodeureo dae bwatja niga bongeon bingsanye ilgak

Jaeggak su geurigo deureowa bajjak
Nan bbageul bbageul teolbuksungirae ani ggaggeul ggaggeulhan mongdungirae ggomaengideul ggaggung geugeon dariteorinde

*Eh eh eh S.J. S.U.P.E.R. eh eh eh S.J. J.U.N.I.O.R.
Eh eh eh S.J. S.U.P.E.R. eh eh eh S.J. eh eh eh S.J.
(Gulliver~ jageun nundongjae dameul su eopseo)

Gulliver Gulliver Gu Gu Gulliver Gulliver Gu Gu Gulliver Gulliver Gu Gu Gulliver Gulliver Gu Gu (x2)

Jigyeopge wingwing georine mogi gateun moksoriro geureoke neo jingjing georillae Baby, Are you? Baby, baby?
Neon imi jin geot gatji? Eo geuchi? You agree? Jaja naega yeogi itjana ni meori ggokdaegi
Yae yae yaedeul bwara ddo ddo murihane horangi eomneun uri aneseon judungi nollineun yeouga wangiradeoni
Na eopshi gyeou ireogo noranni geunde itjanni boshidashipi dorawatjanni
Cheoncheonhi twaejanghae jugenni Suju ganda

*Eh eh eh S.J. S.U.P.E.R. eh eh eh S.J. J.U.N.I.O.R.
Eh eh eh S.J. S.U.P.E.R. eh eh eh S.J. eh eh eh S.J.
(Gulliver~ jageun nundongjae dameul su eopseo)

SUPER GIANT machi Excalibur gachi S.J. Gulliver (x4)

Gulliver Gulliver Gu Gu Gulliver Gulliver Gu Gu Gulliver Gulliver Gu Gu Gulliver Gulliver Gu Gu (x2)

**Gichaneun bballa bbareumyeon bihaenggi bihaenggineun nopa nopeumyeon Gulliver
Gulliver neun S.J. Gulliver neun S.J.
S.J. in the house, make way for the new king!!

** Repeat (x2)

English translation..

Gulliver Gulliver Gu Gu Gulliver Gulliver Gu Gu (x2)

Bend your head back, look above, I’m Super Giant Gulliver
Shove away all those cumbersome stuffs, believe in me, I’m the New Leader who will lead you

To the level that no matter how you run, you will end up at my knee. To the level that how desperately you rush, anywy it’s just one step of mine
The disgusted looks people give, if at this rate, it’s still unsatisfying, it only makes rumors mushroom. No matter how you each tried to make a fuss about it, what you see is only the tip of an iceberg

Quickly bow and come in, stick close
They call me a rustling hairy fellow, no, a prickling stick. Kids, peekaboo! That is just my leg hair

*Eh eh eh S.J. S.U.P.E.R. eh eh eh S.J. J.U.N.I.O.R.
Eh eh eh S.J. S.U.P.E.R. eh eh eh S.J. eh eh eh S.J.
(Gulliver~ You can’t take all in with your tiny eyes)

Gulliver Gulliver Gu Gu Gulliver Gulliver Gu Gu Gulliver Gulliver Gu Gu Gulliver Gulliver Gu Gu (x2)

Buzzing so tediously, are you going to keep whining with such mosquito-like voices like that? Baby, Are you? Baby, baby?
You already sense your defeat, right? Yea, right? You agree? Come come, I’m here, top of your head
Guys guys guys look, he’s trying too hard again. Among us when the cat is away, the fox is the tongue-wagging king
You were amusing among yourselves like this when I was away? But you know, as you can see, isn’t S.J. back now?
Will you slowly make your exit? Here goes SJ

*Eh eh eh S.J. S.U.P.E.R. eh eh eh S.J. J.U.N.I.O.R.
Eh eh eh S.J. S.U.P.E.R. eh eh eh S.J. eh eh eh S.J.
(Gulliver~ You can’t take all in with your tiny eyes)

SUPER GIANT just like Excalibur, S.J. Gulliver (x4)

Gulliver Gulliver Gu Gu Gulliver Gulliver Gu Gu Gulliver Gulliver Gu Gu Gulliver Gulliver Gu Gu (x2)

**Trains are fast, but when it comes to speed, it’s planes. Planes are high, but when it comes to height, it’s Gulliver
Gulliver is S.J. Gulliver is S.J.
S.J. in the house, make way for the new king!!

** Repeat (x2)

Source at by Ariel
Shared at by Vee

Super Junior - Someday

The other sweet n ballad one..
Music and their voice is so soft, can make you feel relax automatically..
Its can be my lullaby song.. ^^


Jeolmeun naren jeolmeumeul moreugo
Saranghal ddaen sarangi boiji ananne
Hajiman ije dwidoraboni
Urin jeomgo seoro sarangeul haetguna

Nunmul gateun shiganye gang wie
Ddeonaeryeoganeun geon han dabarye chueok
Geureoke ije dwidoraboni
Jelmeumdo sarangdo aju sojunghaetguna

Eonjenganeun uri dashi mannari
Eodiro ganeunji amudo moreujiman
Eonjenganeun uri dashi mannari
Heeojin moseup idaero..

Jeolmeun naren jeolmeumeul ijeotgo
Saranghal ddaen sarangi heunhaeman boyeonne
Hajiman ije saenggakhaeboni
Urin jeomgo seoro sarangeul haetguna

Eonjenganeun uri dashi mannari
Eodiro ganeunji amudo moreujiman
Eonjenganeun uri dashi mannari
Heeojin moseup idaero..

Eonjengan uri mannari eonjengan uri dashi mannari idaero idaero

Eonjenganeun uri dashi mannari
Eodiro ganeunji amudo moreujiman
Eonjenganeun uri dashi mannari
Heeojin moseup idaero..

English translation..

When we were young, we didn’t know that we were
When we loved, we didn’t seem to
But now, as we look back
Indeed we were young, and loved each other

On the river of time that seems like tears
What is washed away is a bouquet of memories
Now as we look back that way
Indeed youth and love were both so precious

Someday we will meet again
Though we have no idea where we are heading
Someday we will meet again
Just like this moment when we break up..

When we were young, we forgot that we were
When we loved, it only seemed common
But now, as we think about it
Indeed we were young, and loved each other

Someday we will meet again
Though we have no idea where we are heading
Someday we will meet again
Just like this moment when we break up..

Someday we will meet someday we will meet again just like this just like this

Someday we will meet again
Though we have no idea where we are heading
Someday we will meet again
Just like this moment when we break up..

Source at by Ariel
Shared at by Vee

Super Junior - NOW

Hmm, Hyun's favorite song..
Energetic one, feel like you really can fly when you hear this song..
Don't know why, i have strange feelingm feel like i hear old type music, or its just my own feeling..
Molla.. ;p


Imae maechin ddambangul wien banjjagineun neoye nundongja
Gureum sairo jeo ssodajineun haetsalboda binnaneun miso woohoohoohoo

Songgoba aetage gidaryeo wasseo What’s up! barami bureowa uril bureujana
Neowa na geurigo urideul modu taoreun taeyangboda deo ddeugeoun i sunganeul

*Now~ Now it’s time to fly nae soneul ja a
Now it’s time to fly geu nalgaereul pyeogo nara jeo haneullo
It’s time to fly hi-hi-high! mangseoril shigan eopseo
Now~ Now it’s time to fly naeireun itgo
Now it’s time to fly golchi apeun eoje modu da jiwo
Urimanui yeoreumnal Here we go!

Moraeseong wie geuryeojin ireum jeo padoe sseullyeo jiwojyeo
Hayan baldeungeul ganjireopineun pureun bada ggeureo anneunda woohoohoohoo

Pigonhan ilsange jichin eoggaereul pyeo Ha-ha hanggeot bupun nae shimjangeun Beat-box
Gitteolboda deo gabyeoun nae balgeoreum jeo neolbeun sesang wiro uri gachi ddwieobwa Come on!

*Now~ Now it’s time to fly gomin hajima
Now it’s time to fly keuge du pal beolyeo himggeot jeompeuhae bwa
It’s time to fly hi-hi-high! hamggemyeon hal su isseo
Now~ Now it’s time to fly jjarithan moheom
Now it’s time to fly hal su eomneun geo eun jeoldaero eopseo
Jeo pureureun badaya Here we come!

Eodumi chajaomyeon gwi giuryeobwa jeogi deullineun padoye norae nege bachineun serenade

*Now~ Now it’s time to fly nae soneul jaba
Now it’s time to fly nalgaereul pyeogo nara jeo haneullo
It’s time to fly hi-hi-high! mang seo ril shi gan eop seo
Now~ Now it’s time to fly jjarithan moheom
Now it’s time to fly hal su eomneun geoseun jeoldaero eopseo
Jeo pureureun badaya Here we come

English translation..

Your twinkling eyes above the sweat drenching your forehead
The smile that is shining even more than that sunlight beaming through the clouds woo hoo hoo hoo

I’ve been counting my fingers, waiting eagerly. What’s up! The wind is blowing in, it’s calling for us
You and me and everyone of us, and for this moment even more burning than that blazing sun

*Now~ Now it’s time to fly, take my hand
Now it’s time to fly, spread those wings and fly toward that sky
It’s time to fly hi-hi-high! There’s no time to hesitate
Now~ Now it’s time to fly, forget about tomorrow
Now it’s time to fly, yesterday that has been troubling you, get rid of it all
Our very own summer day, Here we go!

Let those waves sweep away the name written on the sandcastle
The tickling blue sea is embracing the white insteps woo hoo hoo hoo

Spread your shoulders worn out by tiring everyday life. Ha-ha your heart out. My buoyant heart is doing Beat-box
My steps that are lighter than feather. Together let’s run toward the top of that broad world, Come on!

*Now~ Now it’s time to fly, don’t worry
Now it’s time to fly, open your arms wide, jump with all your might
It’s time to fly hi-hi-high! We can do it if we’re together
Now~ Now it’s time to fly, a thrilling adventure
Now it’s time to fly, there’s absolutely nothing we can’t do
Hey you blue sea over there, Here we come!

If darkness comes find you, try listening close. The song of the waves over there is a serenade dedicated to you

*Now~ Now it’s time to fly, take my hand
Now it’s time to fly, spread those wings and fly toward that sky
It’s time to fly hi-hi-high! There’s no time to hesitate
Now~ Now it’s time to fly, a thrilling adventure
Now it’s time to fly, there’s absolutely nothing we can’t do
Hey you blue sea over there, Here we come!

Source at by Ariel
Shared at by Vee

Super Junior - Rockstar

The music like "Oppa Oppa" at the beginning, i think..
Thats EunHae parts is really looks like, so much part of EunHae in this song..
The funny thing that i found is, someone shout "lockstaaa" when the others shout "rockstar"..
You know who is that?! Thats right, thats Ye's voice.. ;p


Shiggeureoun eumaksori nae meoril japgo heundeul heundeul
Heundeureo heundeureo meorireul heundeureo

Hwaryeohan i jomyeong arae oneulbam ggeuteul japgo nolgo
Dalligo dalligo oneuldo dalligo

*Nae eumage modu michyeo Everywhere on radio
Nae hanmadie modu Follow everywhere I go,
Da waechyeo High, waechyeo Low, oneul nawa gachi Go,
Hansume igeotjjeum hwak sseureobeoryeo.

Oh my god. I’m so hot
Come on D.J. Turn it up
Come on D.J. Turn it up
Come on D.J. nol ja!!!

**I’m a Rockstar~
I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar
I’m a Rockstarstar~star~star~
Rockstar~ (**Repeat x2)

Girl I’m a Rockstar seonggyeok an joha yeminhaeseo geondeurimyeon aju mak naga
Yeah I’m a Rockstar uri mak nora du beon malhaji ana momeul umjigyeo
Move right now~

*Nae eumage modu michyeo Everywhere on radio
Nae hanmadie modu Follow everywhere I go,
Da waechyeo High, waechyeo Low, oneul nawa gachi Go,
Hansume igeotjjeum sseureobeoryeo.

Oh my god. It’s so hard
Come on D.J. Turn it up
Come on D.J. Turn it up
Come on D.J. nol ja!!!

**I’m a Rockstar~
I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar
I’m a Rockstarstar~star~star~

(Nae nae nae naega nugu)
I’m a Rockstar~
I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar
I’m a Rockstarstar~star~star~

Well I’mma break it down,
Yeah I’mma break it down,
Keun sumeul deuryeo mashigo hanbeon deo Break it down.

Come on D.J. Turn it up
Come on D.J. Turn it up
Come on D.J. nol ja!!!

**I’m a Rockstar~
I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar
I’m a Rockstarstar~star~star~

(Nae nae nae naega nugu)
I’m a Rockstar~
I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar
I’m a Rockstarstar~star~star~

English translation..

The noisy music takes my head and makes it swing
Swing swing makes my head swing

Under this splendid light, have fun as tonight draws to an end
Run and run and run today too

*Everyone goes crazy about my music, Everywhere on radio
At my one word, everyone Follow everywhere I go,
They all scream High, scream Low, today let’s Go together with me,
With one breath, I sweep away about this much.

Oh my god. I’m so hot
Come on D.J. Turn it up
Come on D.J. Turn it up
Come on D.J. Let’s have fun!!!

**I’m a Rockstar~
I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar
I’m a Rockstarstar~star~star~
Rockstar~ (**Repeat x2)

Girl I’m a Rockstar, my character is bad, I’m sensitive so if you meddle with me, I let it all out
Yeah I’m a Rockstar, let’s just have fun, I don’t say it a second time, move your body
Move right now~

*Everyone goes crazy about my music, Everywhere on radio
At my one word, everyone Follow everywhere I go,
They all scream High, scream Low, today let’s Go together with me,
With one breath, I sweep away about this much.

Oh my god. It’s so hard
Come on D.J. Turn it up
Come on D.J. Turn it up
Come on D.J. Let’s have fun!!!

**I’m a Rockstar~
I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar
I’m a Rockstarstar~star~star~

(Who am am am I?)
I’m a Rockstar~
I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar
I’m a Rockstarstar~star~star~

Well I’mma break it down,
Yeah I’mma break it down,
Take a deep breath and Break it down one more time.

Come on D.J. Turn it up
Come on D.J. Turn it up
Come on D.J. Let’s have fun!!!

**I’m a Rockstar~
I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar
I’m a Rockstarstar~star~star~

(Who am am am am I?)
I’m a Rockstar~
I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar
I’m a Rockstarstar~star~star~

Source at by Ariel
Shared at by Vee

Super Junior - Bittersweet

First hear it, i feel like i'm hearing "Davichi - Don't Say Goodbye", i'm suddenly confused..
Its really really same..
But, coz the first voice is Hyun, i know its oppadeul's song not Davichi..
Jeongmal, get confused coz of this song..
This is my best song in this album, seem like my samchon.. ^____^


Dalkomhan ne geu mal nal jugineun ne geu mal gamanhi ggaemulmyeon sseudisseun geu mal geumanhae
Miwohaji mothae saranghajido mothae gyeolguk domangchyeobeorindan geu mal jebal geuman geumanhae

*Samkil su eopseotdeon mal, geutorok ddeugeopgo dokhaetdeon ne geu mal
Geu janinhan ipsul, nameun nae miryeonmajeo chagapge jareugo gani
On gaseum eoreobuteun nae gyeoten sarajineun geot deul bbuniya
Charari uri cheoeumbuteo amu geotdo anieotdamyeon

Dalkomhan ne geu mal nal utge haetdeon geu mal gamanhi ggaemulmyeon sseudisseun geu mal geumanhae
Miwohaji mothae saranghajido mothae jinamyeon da ijeul georan geu mal jebal geuman geumanhae

*Samkil su eopseotdeon mal, geutorok ddeugeopgo dokhaetdeon ne geu mal
Geu janinhan ipsul, nameun nae miryeonmajeo chagapge jareugo gani
On gaseum eoreobuteun nae gyeoten sarajineun geot deul bbuniya
Charari uri cheoeumbuteo amu geotdo anieotgil

Do ra ga, ne ga it deon ja ri ro
Ne ga nal mo reu deon deo yen nal lo
Da shi neun i reon sa rang ha ji mal ja

*Samjil su eopseotdeon mal, geutorok ddeugeopgo dokhaetdeon ne geu mal
Geu janinhan ipsul nameun nae miryeonmajeo chagapge jareugo gani
On gaseum eoreobuteun nae gyeoten sarajineun geot deul bbuniya
Charari uri cheoeumbuteo amu geotdo aniyeotdamyeon

English translation..

Those sweet words of yours, those words of yours that are killing me, those words that are extremely bitter as I chew on them, don’t say them anymore
Those words that you couldn’t hate me, you couldn’t love me either, so in the end you chose to get away, please don’t don’t say them anymore

*The words I couldn’t swallow, those words so burning and pungent of yours
Those cruel lips, are you leaving after coldly cutting off even my lingering feelings?
By my side, there are only things fading away, my heart frozen
If we had just been nothing from the start

Those sweet words of yours, those words of yours that used to make me smile, those words that are extremely bitter as I chew on them, don’t say them anymore
Those words that you couldn’t hate me, you couldn’t love me either, so we would be able to forget everything if we let it slide, please don’t don’t say them anymore

*The words I couldn’t swallow, those words so burning and pungent of yours
Those cruel lips, are you leaving after coldly cutting off even my lingering feelings?
By my side, there are only things fading away, my heart frozen
If only we had just been nothing from the start

Go back, to where you used to be
Further back to those old days, when you didn’t know me
Let’s not love a love like this again

*The words I couldn’t swallow, those words so burning and pungent of yours
Those cruel lips, are you leaving after coldly cutting off even my lingering feelings?
By my side, there are only things fading away, my heart frozen
If we had just been nothing from the start

Source at by Ariel
Shared at by Vee

Super Junior - Butterfly (Papillon)

Electronic n Upbeat music.. Refreshing ncheerful feeling when hear it..
Energic one, you can dance automatically when turn it on..


Jichin geudae seuchin sarang munggeujeok munggeujeok sumswideon ai
Suthan sangcheo seulpeun nune ddororok ddororok ulgo itdeon ai
Boom- keunsoriga nadeon bam (Let it Boom)
Boom- ggeopjireul ggaetdeongeoya (Yeah)

Geochim eomneun sorin machi seonmyeonghan sokdoro neoreul byeonhwashikyeo
Hokshi chalna heosang ilgga euishime euishimeul meomchul su eopseotji
Bing- eojireopgin haetjiman (Let it boom)
Wing- nalgaereul eodeun geoya

*Bbabbiyong bbi bbabbabbabbiyong meotjin chumeul chwo aiya
Bbabbiyong bbi bbabbabbabbiyong sangcheoreul beoseun nabiya
Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom
Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce
Bbabbiyong bbi bbabbabbabbiyong dalkomhan bameul gareugo
Bbabbiyong bbi bbabbabbabbiyong sechage nara nabiya
Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom
Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce-

Gin shigan dongane chimmugeul ggae jayureul hyanghae sori jireul ddae
Neoreul neodapge salge pyeolchyeojil geol nalgae
Realize neoye jonjae You’re alive nunbushige
You fly high. Up in the sky.

Ggum sok geu sok gipeun mam sok pareureu pareureu ddeollideon geu son
Ggum sok geu sok gipeun mam sok eojedo oneuldo neol gwaeropin sangcheo
Boom- keunsoriga nadeon bam (Let it Boom)
Boom- ggeopjireul ggaetdeon geoya (oh yeah)

*Bbabbiyong bbi bbabbabbabbiyong meotjin chumeul chwo aiya
Bbabbiyong bbi bbabbabbabbiyong sangcheoreul beoseun nabiya
Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom
Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce
Bbabbiyong bbi bbabbabbabbiyong dalkomhan bameul gareugo
Bbabbiyong bbi bbabbabbabbiyong sechage nara nabiya
Let it Boom Let it Boom let it Boom Let it Boom
Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce-

Eokgeobye shiganeul beotyeo wanseongdwaen nunbushin neoye moseup
Jugeun bameul ggaewo ijen chumeul chugehae-

Bbabbiyong bbi bbabbabbabbiyong geochin sumeuro norae hae
Bbabbiyong bbi bbabbabbabbiyong jichin eoggaereul pyeoge hae
Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom
Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce
Bbabbiyong bbi bbabbabbabbiyong dalkomhan bameul gareugo
Bbabbiyong bbi bbabbabbabbiyong sechage nara nabiya
Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom
Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce

English translation..

A baby that used to dawdlingly breathe with a worn-out anticipation and love that just brushed by,
A baby that used to be crying with sad eyes, numerous wounds
Boom- the night with loud noises (Let it Boom)
Boom- it was your skin cracked (Yeah)

The sharp sound makes you transform with remarkable speed
You couldn’t stop suspecting if it was just an instant delusion, right?
Bing- though it was surreal (Let it boom)
Wing- you got your wings

*Papillon pi papapapillon, dance a beautiful dance, baby
Papillon pi papapapillon, you butterfly now free of wound
Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom
Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce
Papillon pi papapapillon, pierce the sweet night
Papillon pi papapapillon, fly vigorously, butterfly
Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom
Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce-

It’s time to break your prolonged silence and cry out toward freedom
So that you can live the way you are, spread your wings
Realize your existence. You’re alive, dazzlingly
You fly high. Up in the sky.

Inside your dreams, therein, inside your heart, those trembling hands
Inside your dreams, therein, inside your heart, the wound that has been troubling you yesterday, today
Boom- the night with loud noises (Let it Boom)
Boom- it was your skin cracked (oh yeah)

*Papillon pi papapapillon, dance a beautiful dance, baby
Papillon pi papapapillon, you butterfly now free of wound
Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom
Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce
Papillon pi papapapillon, pierce the sweet night
Papillon pi papapapillon, fly vigorously, butterfly
Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom
Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce-

Your sparkling figure, completed after enduring the duration of eternity
Wake up the night that has died down, now make it dance-

Papillon pi papapapillon, sing with your heavy breath
Papillon pi papapapillon, spread your worn-out shoulders
Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom
Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce
Papillon pi papapapillon, pierce the sweet night
Papillon pi papapapillon, fly vigorously, butterfly
Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom
Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce

Source at by Ariel
Shared at by Vee