May 19, 2012


Persembahan bagi mereka yang pernah mengisi kehidupan Vee dengan kasih sayang dan cinta setulus hati..

اارَّحِيم الرَّحْمَنِﷲِ بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ

Terucap syukur pada Sang Maha Kuasa, Allah SWT yang telah memberikan kekuatan yang sangat besar di setiap langkah kehidupan yang Vee lalui hingga melewati tahap ini.

Takkan pernah terlupakan doa, kasih sayang serta dukungan terbesar dari Ibunda dan Ayahanda tercinta, Jumini dan Harjiman beserta tiga saudara perkasaku Mas Ferry, Farid dan Ikhsan. Tanpa kalian yang Vee lakukan tak akan berarti apa-apa.
U’re my everything, my beloved family..
Keluarga besar tersayang yang ada di Jawa yang selalu mendoakan yang memberikan kasih sayang tiada tara, teristimewa tuk alm. Mbah Sandiyo, mbah Kasih, mbah Maksum dan mbah Rani, Vee teramat sangat. merindukan kalian. This August, we must meet! 너무보고싶었어요,할아버지와할머니!

Persahabatan selalu menyemangati perjalanan hidup Vee hingga sekarang, dan mungkin akan terus ada mengisi hari-hari nantinya, for PR_cRuez & C2S member.. Eda, Echa, Chaniz, Riris, Nessya, Yun, mbak Endah, mbak We, Chabil, Ndang, Dhika, mbak Wulan, Ndari, Neri n Windi. U’re the best, guys. Glad to know you & an happiness to have you all. Let's we spread our friendship love to the world
(, ~3( ~__~)

The special one, someone in somewhere who always give me a strength with ur joke and ur advice. Wanna have you always beside me.. Loving you is my happiness although my sadness for now. For the only words I wanted to hear was that you loved me. 7 Years of Love..

And for everyone who has appeared in my life since I was born until now. My childhood friends, school friends (elementary, junior high & senior high school), college friends, my bias my fangirling friends and the others. Thanks to giving so many colour in my life. Thanks to giving a good relationship. Thanks for everything that you shared with me all this time.
Always hope that our relationship will never end.

Even when the tears that are hidden from the world flow
Because the dazzling you is with me
I can gain strength and laugh again
Always Happy Together
Let’s be together, you and me forever
The time came for us to meet
You are in front of me crying with nervousness
I dried your tears then I held your hand
I’m going to rise and give you, whose been with me
The happiness that the bluebirds give is always near to us

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